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The Truth About How To Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution and Avoid Losing Self-Confidence

Plus, FREE Access Our Goal Setting Guide and New Year’s Resolution Tracker to Ensure Your Success in 2024! 

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Woman doing mountain climber exercise during her workout.

A resolution has the power to make you unstoppable or stop you from reaching any goal In the future. Let me guide you on how to ensure this year’s goal bolsters your confidence to achieve whatever you set your mind to. 

Every New Year people sit down for their annual check-in. It’s the one time of year many people actually shut out the world for a moment and take the time to reflect and reset. 

By the end of their personal therapy session, they’re fired up! They are determined that THIS is the year they are going to fit into those skinny jeans, master 10 pushups, or finally run the marathon!

However, the tale is as old as time. Three weeks in, that resolution you vowed to commit to has either become a distant memory or a frustrating reminder of your perceived shortcomings: self control, willpower, and dedication. 

Here’s a sobering fact: 43% of people will have given up their goal before January ends, and a staggering 95% of those goals will be health related!


Why I’m Not a Fan of Most New Year’s Resolutions and The Strategy You Need Instead 

What truly bothers me about New Year’s resolutions is the profound impact each “failed” attempt has on an individual, and I’m not referencing the health implications, although you all know how much I care about that. 

Every unfulfilled commitment erodes self-trust and diminishes confidence, even if it happens subconsciously. Each time you promise yourself something and don't follow through, you're chipping away at your belief in your own capabilities.

This takes place on a micro scale when you tell yourself you’re going to go to the gym the next morning and instead hit the snooze button. However, New Year's resolutions take this self-doubt to a whole other level. 

Most people have taken the time to sit down, connect, and reflect. They’ve asked themselves, what do you really want in the coming year? And they’ve decided what matters to them and that they’re all in.

…And then, they’ve let themselves down.

This experience sends a powerful message - you can't rely on yourself, even when you desperately want something. It’s no wonder we have a confidence crisis, with many riddled with imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 

2024, The Year of Becoming Unstoppable 

So I offer you a solution that will allow this year to be the year you repair self trust, you build real confidence, and you begin to believe you can do anything you set your mind to. 

You need these five elements to ensure you are unstoppable in reaching any goal: 

  1. Clarity

  2. Motivation

  3. Confidence

  4. Strategy

  5. Resilience

You might be thinking, “I lack all of those right now.” Stay with me. This is easier than it looks, because unlike last year’s failed resolution, we are starting small! 

Plus, I’m going to give you a step-by-step guide to apply these elements to your goal and give you certainty that you can achieve it! 

  1. Clarity

Turn your  “hopes and dreams” into a SMART Goal. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This ensures your goal is crystal clear, and you'll know for certain when you've achieved it. For instance, “get healthy” is vague and in no way measurable. Where as, “increasing lean muscle mass by five pounds by March 1st” is both clear and attainable.

2. Motivation

Discover your true motivator. If your "why" doesn't resonate deeply with you, when initial motivation wanes and obstacles arise, you're likely to abandon your goal. Seek intrinsic motivation, driven by personal challenge, excitement, or enjoyment rather than external rewards or pressure. By adjusting your goal to align with your intrinsic motivations, the likelihood of your success will go up exponentially. 

3. Confidence 

Confidence is built through evidence. When you fulfill your commitments, you are repairing self trust. Choose a goal you're 100% confident you can achieve, even if it seems small right now.  Achieving this builds motivation and assurance that you can continue achieving more. All the manifesting in the world won’t grow your confidence if your action doesn’t follow your word. 

4. Strategy

A well-thought out goal loses all of its potential without a strategy to back it. That’s why we why we designed the RMS app with endless tools for strategizing: 

  • Weekly guided strategy sessions

  • A customizable calendar to be the interface of your strategy

  • Push notifications to remind you what you’ve committed to

  • Monthly self-reflections to refine your strategy 

  • RMS Roadmap coaching sessions to work with an expert to optimize your strategy! 

This is the biggest limiting factor that keeps most people from achieving their goal. They set the goal and never check back to adjust the strategy. Every week you should be sitting down to consider how you’re progressing towards your goal, what’s working and what needs adjusting. 

5. Resilience 

The most successful goal setters recognize that life happens, and flexibility is key. Some weeks you can’t avoid the last minute presentation that’s been slapped on your desk or your kid getting sick. Resilience measures how quickly you bounce back when setbacks occur. A missed commitment is an opportunity to get creative in how you course-correct, not a reason to quit. If necessary, adjust your goal, but don't abandon it.

Your Free Goal Setting Guide

My deepest desire is to see you thrive and achieve your New Year's Resolution, so I have crafted the greatest Goal Setting Guide that will walk you step-by-step through these elements! And I am giving it to you FOR FREE! 


You will gain access to the RMS app’s New Year’s Resolution Tracker, which is an incredible accountability tool that will alert you daily and track your progress! 

So click the button below and get started! Be sure to follow RMS Movement on instagram and share with us what goal you’re working towards! 


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